🫀Take Back Control of Your Happiness
personal growth
Often, we feel that other people make us suffer, break our hearts, steal our happiness, or take away our peace. Sound familiar? We think it's our parents, our partner, an ex, a coworker... It's easy to create a list of culprits and think about those who haven't given us what we "deserve," treated us badly, or left us with deep pain.
But the reality is that we don't need to look for names. No one has the power to make us suffer, break our hearts, or take away our peace unless we allow it, open the door to them, and give them control of our lives.
Every day I am more convinced that we suffer not because of what happens to us, but because of how we interpret and react to it. Many times we torment ourselves trying to understand why someone didn't call us or didn't respond to our WhatsApp quickly, why they didn't say what we wanted to hear, or why they did something that bothers us. Suffering doesn't come from others' actions, but from what we feel and think about those actions, as a result of having given them control.
No one can decide for us. No one can force us to feel or do something we don't want to. Living in freedom means not being where we're not needed or wanted. Maybe we can't control what happens, but we can decide how to react and interpret what happens to us. It's difficult, yes, but if next time it happens to you, you are aware of it, and you decide to change your attitude, you've already taken a huge step.
The next time you feel that someone hurts you, makes you suffer, or controls your life, remember: It's not him, it's not her... IT'S YOU who allows it, and it's in your hands, and only in your hands, to take back control.